Verified Gotch Seo Academy Review

I tested GSA course for 8 months and it a time to write my Gotch Seo Academy Review. It is going to be from a perspective of non business savvy.

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Will Gotch SEO Academy finally save your life?

Just like in SEO you fail a lot, so I failed at university, worked odd jobs like bartender and at removal companies. So yeah, not business savvy at all.

Dam it, being an introvert never made it easy to get sales.

Still eventually baffled SEO at 22K-26K for a building company. What the hell I am doing, generating over a million revenue for a company and being dead broke myself. So I needed help.

Been doing SEO since 2015 and had no system. I knew something about SEO but could not figure to get pass 5K p/m. Ridiculous innit? That is why I joined Gotch Seo Academy.

Don’t you hate those phony reviews?

What? An other fake review?

Don’t worry you wouldn’t have gone this far if it were true.

I joined as a student for GSA aka Gotch SEO Academy in October 2023. Achieved SEO Expert rank and participated in the community. Attended 30 webinars hosted by the founder Nathan Gotch himself. Which means I have participated and experienced the course to some degree to be able to tell if it any good.

Gotch Seo Academy Price

The price for of Gotch Seo Academy is under $10,000. If you pay off your fee in one or 6 instalment you get a discounted price. So the total cost of your SEO training investment will be much cheaper.

ROI – Get your money back

Got my invested money back in 8 months. I got it back from existing clients by increasing prices. A thing I learned from the course. That right nothing ground breaking.

For 1 client I increased the monthly retainer price by 50%. The other client I was not charging consistently. Skipping some months.

Stupid, right? Would you like to help me collect that cash?


The course helped me to get more work done so I could charge more frequently and gave me the confident to increase the price.

GSA Leaderboard Table
Leaderboard rankings for taking GSA course.

Getting monetary value ROI from a course is rare. That alone is a huge win for me.

Here are other nice things I liked about the course.

Pros: The crazy SOPs

  • Receiving system and SOPs. Those crazy spreadsheets and SOPs is the most valuable thing by far. Now my whole business is based on that.
  • Often Nathan shares his business thought process over a webinar. This helps you to understand how big players are thinking and what moves they are making.
  • As silly it sounds I forced myself to acquire points for participating in the community leaving comments, getting likes, completing modules to rise in the leaderboards sound a bit like Facebook but way better you get to educate yourself.
  • Receiving various rewards was pretty cool and definitely contributed to sticking with the course.


  • Q&A sessions wasn’t really that exciting. I am not much of a talker mostly observing. So I couldn’t figure out what questions to ask.

So in this Gotch SEO Academy Review I rate it 5 because I got my ROI in 8 months. With the help of Nathan SOPs my SEO business is now much more organised. Prior joining GSA I made $3.6k p/m now I make over $5K p/m.